Hi Tom,
the wraparound makes sense. I thought it would be something stupid that I'd done. I remembered the 2048 bit, but forgot that it includes zero.
I'll reduce max following error once I get tuning sorted. I just left it high as since it's the spindle, a runaway wouldn't cause a problem during setup.
I did have Jerk set at double what it currently is, but things didn't sound very happy speeding up/slowing down that fast. I'm probably going to reduce acceleration as well, as although the servo can handle it perfectly well, I don't think I want to put that much force through the toothed drive belt, especially if a heavy tool is in.
And having just looked at the figures in the file I sent, I'm sure I never had acceleration that high. I'm sure it was at 4e+06, and jerk at 2e+07. I've maybe copied those settings from my init file, and not the latest I had set in KMotion.
Talking of the motion profile, it's got me thinking about rigid tapping.
I know that the Z-axis normally gets slaved the spindle, however what happens if the spindle stops and reverses faster than the Z can stop and reverse?
I'll work on the servo tuning a bit more, as that was just an initial quick tune to get going, but then I hit the runaway problem. I think for the spindle I'll be happy with following error under 100 counts. The current ~1200 following error equates to 43 degree of rotation (10'000 count per rev encoder). 100 would be 3.6 degrees.
Would it be possible to get a PID tuning guide added to the wiki?
I remember having one of your posts from a good few years ago to reference when I setup my lathe, but I can't find it now.